The dissemination of the anti-discrimination campaign involves Italy, Romania, Spain and Bulgaria and it is structured in two phases.

The first one

aims to add value to national “awareness rising workshops” participants’ efforts.
To overcome language differences and to foster a better comprehension of campaign messages, a particular attention to visual communication is paid.

The second phase

concerns the effective dissemination of the campaign, which will take place from January to December 2019. To reach this goal at least ten places for each country will be chosen to implement the campaign.
The identification of the places follows a “local approach”. Schools, public places, libraries, cinemas, theatres and cultural centres will be identified because of their popularity or because of place in which one or more participants at national “awareness raising workshops” live and/or spend a lot of time.

Here a selection of anti-discrimination campaign posters produced by boys and girls during the Awareness Rising Workshops, in Bulgaria, Italy, Spain and Romania.
To see the whole campaign you can go to our MATERIALS page, where you can find and free download every national anti-discrimination campaign.

You can also follow our anti-discrimination campaign checking out the project Facebook and Instagram pages.

International Final Conference in Bergamo

Only two months to the end of the STORY_S project. It’s time to meet our partners again, presenting to a wide public what we have done and which results we have…

The Bulgarian Citizenship Incubators

The Bulgarian partners under STORY_S project organized the first citizenship incubator in April, 2019, and until the end of July, the teams of their representatives together with mentees and mentors,…

Opening Events in Bulgaria: Sofia, Kyustendil, Hisarya and Rakitovo

The first opening event in Bulgaria under the STORY_S project anti-discrimination campaign was on 19 April, 2019 at 135 High School “John Amos Comenius”. The Bulgarian partners under the project…

Opening Events in Italy: from Milan to Rome!

From March to July, opening events took place in Italy also. In Milan and Rome the Italian STORY_S teams organised anti-discrimination campaigns presentations and exhibits, involving more than 590 students.…

We believe

working on a local and contextual level

can be the strategy to promote a deeper involvement of population and young people, in order to foster socio-cultural changes and the construction of a new bottom-up awareness about discriminative dynamics.