In Story_S project, we target empowerment through mentoring, a peer to peer relational tool, which provides for participation and involvement of mentors and mentees in an exchange of mutual knowledge and on most decisions regarding their activities in the project, while aiming to increase their possibility to make decisions regarding their own educational paths and their realities as a whole.

The aim of the mentorship goes beyond the mere educational and academic support, fostering a more global empowerment, that is able to increase personal capabilities such as: self-consciousness, self-actualisation, self-advocacy, and transversal competencies.

Through individual mentorship meetings between mentor and mentees, group activities and the expertise of researchers and facilitators, we encourage successful growing processes, in which the development of professional and/or educational skills intersects social and personal competencies, in an “ecological” way.

Every partner country (Italy, Romania, Spain and Bulgaria) identifies a group of 12 mentors and 24 young Roma who need support in developing their personal, educational and/or professional path that will take part in peer-to-peer mentoring, from May 2018 to October 2019.

International Final Conference in Bergamo

Only two months to the end of the STORY_S project. It’s time to meet our partners again, presenting to a wide public what we have done and which results we have…

Mentoring in Romania. 6 months later

The Story_S mentors and mentees in Romania activities continued in the past months. Each of the 12 mentors had constant meetings with their mentees, both group and individual sessions. The…

2nd International Meeting in Sofia: working all together

We’re in Sofia for the 2nd International Meeting and the 2nd Project Coordination Meeting. There’s a lot to do, but we are very glad to meet all the Partners again, spending…

Searching for mentors. The Romanian and Spanish situation

We are still searching for mentors! As you know, STORY_S is an EU project based on active participation of its beneficiaries and on peer to peer mentoring. We follow the…
